Catalog Online

Universitas Djuanda

OPAC - Buku

Hasil Pencarian

BASH Scripting untuk Administrasi Sistem Linux

BASH Scripting untuk Administrasi Sistem Linux

Yuliardi, Rofiq

Computer and Application : an introduction to data processing

Computer and Application : an introduction to data processing

et.alSlotnick, Daniel L.

Computer Science : volume 1

Computer Science : volume 1

Warford, J. Stanley

Computer Science : volume 2

Computer Science : volume 2

Warford, J. Stanley

Computer in Business Management

Computer in Business Management

O'Brien, James A.

Data Communication for Business

Data Communication for Business

Lientz, Bennet P.Rea, Kathryn P.

BASIC for Teachers

BASIC for Teachers

Levine, Leonard P.Besag, Frank P.

BASIC : a first course

BASIC : a first course

Thompson, Robert G.

Assembly Language Programming and Machine Organization PDP-11

Assembly Language Programming and Machine Organization PDP-11

Wishart, Ed

Working with AppleWorks

Working with AppleWorks

Campbell, JohnRedden, Sam R.

A Structured Approach to General BASIC

A Structured Approach to General BASIC

Ledin Jr., George

The DOS 5.0 Companion

The DOS 5.0 Companion

Moody, David

Computers and Information : an introduction

Computers and Information : an introduction

Orilia, Lawrence

Apple Roots : assembly language programming for Apple Iie and Apple Iic

Apple Roots : assembly language programming for Apple Iie and Apple Iic

Andrews, Mark

Applesoft BASIC Fundamentals and Style

Applesoft BASIC Fundamentals and Style

Quasney, James S.Maniotes, John

Abstraction for Programmers

Abstraction for Programmers

Zimmer, J. A.